Which US Virgin Island is the Most Affordable?

Frequently asked questions about traveling to the United States Virgin Islands cheaply can be answered with one word: Santo Tomas. This is the cheapest of the Virgin Islands, boasting the largest airport, most amenities, public transportation, and plenty of accommodation options. However, it's important to note that prices for transportation, restaurants, and accommodation tend to be high. For those looking for a more economical way to explore the islands, taking a cruise is a great option.

The downside is that your time here will be limited. To make sure everyone can find an affordable option, this list has been updated to include more all-inclusive resorts in the United States Virgin Islands that won't break the bank.

Sand Castle on the Beach

is an all-inclusive resort for adults only in the U. S.

Virgin Islands region that offers magnificent views and full access to Veterans Shore on Santa Cruz Island. It's perfect for those looking for a romantic getaway without children in sight.

The Buccaneer Beach & Golf Resort

is one of the most luxurious all-inclusive resorts in the United States Virgin Islands and one of the oldest family-run resorts. It's ideal for those looking for a vacation filled with golfing and fun.

Lovango Cay is a private island in the territory of St. John, located just 1 mile northwest of St John. It offers a unique experience for those who prefer to make this their destination rather than St Croix or St. Thomas.

Secret Harbor Beach Resort is located on Santo Tomas and serves as an all-inclusive island retreat with its own exclusive private beach for guests. It's no secret that Santo Tomas is one of the best destinations in the Caribbean when it comes to relaxing on the beach.

The Point Pleasant Resort

on Saint Thomas Island is a luxurious and modern resort located in the East End of the island. It's perfect for those looking for an unforgettable vacation experience.

When it comes to finding an affordable vacation spot in the US Virgin Islands, Santo Tomas is definitely your best bet. With its large airport, plenty of amenities, public transportation options, and numerous accommodation choices, you can find something that fits your budget without sacrificing quality or comfort. Plus, there are plenty of all-inclusive resorts available that offer great value for money and provide you with everything you need for a memorable vacation experience. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or an action-packed adventure, Santo Tomas has something for everyone.